Sunday, September 14, 2014

Synopsis of your book!

Good morning English class!

I would like you to write a synopsis of the novel you have chosen to read. Even though you have not read it all, you should have enough information to write a clear paragraph of what your book is about. 

You must write a paragraph half a page long skipping lines using good grammar and spelling. Use a pencil. Include a cover page with a pencil drawing of an important character or symbol from your book.

Include the following 4 things in your paragraph:

4 things you must accomplish, no exceptions

  1. Give a clear idea of your book’s core conflict
  2. Show what characters we’ll care about, including the ones we’ll hate
  3. Demonstrate what’s at stake for the main character(s)
  4. Show how the conflict is resolved
It must be handed in at the end of class.

Good luck and keep it neat!

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