Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Literary Response to The Outsiders

Introduction (meaning):

What was the general mood/tone of the novel? What is the main theme/lesson or idea of the novel? Give an example from the novel (either a scene or a quote) that exemplifies this theme. What is another less obvious theme? Give another quote or scene from the novel, that proves you are right. What was the author's purpose for writing this text?


What other text did this story remind you of? Can you connect the themes you found to your own life or world events? Can you think of a movie or another story with similar themes, characters, settings, etc.? Include a quote from the novel or discuss the particular scene that you are making the connection to. (Try to connect the theme of the novel to something else. Also, it is better to connect to world events, other texts and media rather than personal experiences.)


What type of text is The Outsiders? Is there anything special/ unique about the way it was written? Discuss the setting, and the era. Who is telling the story? Is it written in first, second or third person? How does this affect the story? Why is this important?


Did you like the novel? Why or why not? What is the best part of the novel? What is the most important part of the novel? Who should read this novel and why?

You must have a good copy with cover page for MAY 13th. Remember to underline the title of the novel in your response. To be safe, you should have 1 quote or example from the novel in each paragraph. 

(Rough copy is unnecessary.)

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