Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Imagination Station

This story should be written in past tense and in first person “I”.

PARAGRAPH 1) Set the mood

Describe the setting. This includes time of day, time of year, type of location (rural/ urban), objects around (old homes, trees, etc.),  

PARAGRAPH 2) Reveal the main character and conflict

Describe the main character (appearance, physical traits, character traits). Reveal the conflict in an interesting way. For example, the conflict could be revealed through action or dialogue between two characters.

PARAGRAPH 3 and 4) rising action

Create suspense or build momentum by having the character go through 2 or three small events that will eventually lead to the climax.

PARAGRAPH 5) climax

What is the main event/most important part of the story? The conflict has to explode in some way.

PARAGRAPH 6) falling action

What are the effects of this main event? How have the characters changed? How has the problem/conflict been resolved?

PARAGRAPH 7) conclusion

End your story off in a meaningful way. Was there a lesson/moral/theme? Another idea is to leave the reader wanting more. For example, maybe the girl was saved but the killer was never found.

Use your imagination. Put yourself in the place of the characters so you can better describe their experiences and emotions.

Good luck!

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