Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Personification Poem

Inanimate Objects                                  Human Actions (verbs)

trees    wind    sky                               dance     laugh     sigh
engine    waves   clouds                      sing       groan     whistle
boat     breeze    sunlight                      cry         shout     wink
chair     motor     door                          laugh     play       stare     
pencil   curtains     book                      punch    slap      wrestle
water      fire        mirror                       run      swim        die  
dress     pants       sand                        cough     call        mock
shirt      shoes      glove                        fight       argue        eat
fork     spoon       dish                          listen        ask          speak

1) Pick 4 pairs of words that can be connected to each other.
    (You can add words that are not on the list.)
   Palm trees  --)  danced
   Sunlight     --)  winked
   Breeze       --)   played
   Waves       --)   chased

2) Use them to create a descriptive poem. (Your title will bring it all together.)

     The sunlight winked at me,
     while the waves chased each other down the shore.
     The palm trees danced,
     as the breeze played on.

What title would work for this poem?

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