Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mystery Report

Mystery Report due Friday November 29th (day 7).

Write a letter to your commanding officer (Ms. Fazio) explaining your investigation of 4 murders in a national park. Use the information given to you in the initial report. Although you may add to the information, you must not contradict or ignore the evidence already given to you! Your report must include suspect(s), clues, discovery, motive and an intellectual component. (This means you don't reveal the solution until the end of the report.)

I will be paying close attention to how you organized your text into paragraphs!


Dear commanding officer,

              On (date) I was given the case of the four murders in La Mauricie National Park. This is what I was told...

              I decided to first talk to the witness...

              I then thought I should check out the crime scene. When I was there, I found...

              Later that week, my partner and I questioned the suspect...

              In the end, it was clear that the murderer was... The motive was obviously...

              We caught the criminal ...

Detective Smith

The text must not be longer than 350 words.

Once that has been completed, make your report look like an official document. This means you should put the report (as well as the brainstorm and rough copy) in some type of folder. Include pictures, maps, finger prints, etc.     

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

voc. 4

A preposition sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show its relationship to another word in the sentence. Beneath, on, in, around, near, over, etc. are all examples of prepositions. HINT: A preposition describes anywhere a mouse could go. 

Which word in your vocabulary list is a preposition?

decide                     compare           assume
bachelor                  collision           interrupt
digestion                 illustrate           authority
underneath              accustom          curiosity
abandon                   assign               security

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6th

Today is the last day of term 1. Term 1 assignments will no longer be accepted.

Students have also received all the evaluations in their test folders to bring home.