Monday, September 30, 2013

writing exercise

Everyone is writing about the same situation: someone has dropped an egg. However, everyone will have a different story due to his/her invented story elements (character, setting, conflict, etc.). Use sensory words to bring your reader into the world you have created.

150 words min.

1) brainstorm
2) rough copy
3) edit
4) good copy

Sensory Words

Make you writing come alive by using sensory words!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vocabulary group 206-07

Vocabulary #2

1) restaurant                    2) cafeteria
3) minimum                    4) mortgage
5) quaint                         6) gossip
7) liquid                          8) landscape
9) summon                     10) budget
11) summit                     12) liquor
13) allow                         14) aloud
15) corrupt

Vocabulary test Wednesday DAY 4.

Vocabulary group 210-15

1) restaurant
2) cafeteria
3) minimum
4) mortgage
5) quaint
6) gossip
7) liquid
8) landscape
9) summon
10) budget

Vocabulary test Tuesday DAY 3

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Vocabluary test #1 TOMORROW!

Day 4

Congratulations to Alexandre L., Chelsea G. and Sahira V.-P. for being the first students to solve a class riddle!

Chelsea solved number 1:

What part of the body has the most rhythm?  The eardrum has the most rhythm.

Alex solved number 6:

Why is the letter E like London? The letter E is like London because E is the capital of England.

Sahira solved number 14:

What call for help, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards, backwards and upside down? It's S.O.S.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

sample simile

Similes for Kids

simile review

Vocabulary # 1 group 206-07

Find the parts of speech for each word and write a sentence to show you know how to use that word.

1) discipline           6) anxiety        11) menu
2) compliment        7) apply          12) altar
3) challenge            8) reliable       13) innocent
4) allowance           9) activity       14) sabotage
5) acceptance         10) bonus        15) distress

Vocabulary test is Thursday, September 19th.

vocabulary #1 group 210-15

Find the parts of speech for each word and write a sentence to show you know how to use that word.

1) compliment        6) reliable
2) challenge            7) innocent
3) anxiety                8) discipline
4) activity                9) menu
5) plastic                 10) apply

Vocabulary test is Thursday, September 19th.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 9

SWISH: to write uninterrupted for 10 consecutive minutes.

 If you are stuck, rewrite the last word written until you get a new idea.
 Your pen must not leave the page for more than a few seconds at a time.
 You can write about any topic, so long as your text makes sense.
 Your SWISH will be picked up once every term for marking.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 5

Bring your personal novels to every class and read for 15 minutes every night. Only then will you be prepared for your book talk!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 4

Homework: read 15 minutes and bring in any missing supplies

Just for Fun

 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx